John Grigley: An Artist, A Skater and Genuine person

John Grigley: An Artist, A Skater and Genuine person

John Grigley, an Artist, a Skater and a Genuine person.  Today you can see much what he believe's in and has to say on his social media.  Not afraid to speak his mind.  Skating since he was a young boy, he grew to skate with Vision Skateboards in the 80's.  

Being involved in designing his graphics for his pro-models Grigley 1,2 & 3.  He also designed other models like the famous Vision Aggressor, The Guardian and the Vision Hippie stick skate art.  Designing art without the help of computers, just applying layers, art and colors to the Screen Printing technique.

You can catch some of his skate footage of him on youtube skating with other pros and contest in the 80's.  He was even good pals with Rikki Rockett of the band Poison.  The all American drummer for the rock band.

Whats he up to today?  Living on the East coast, active with living life and skating in the big apple.  

